Endurance vs Non-Athlete 3.1.12 Discuss how the recommended energy distribution of the dietary macronutrients differs between endurance and non-athletesl
Macro Nutrients
Why are Macronutrients important?
What are the demands on an endurance athlete? Food for energy requirements of the event Loading for stored energy (90 min+ event) Pre-event During Event Post Event Recovery from training and competition Replenish energy stores Growth and repair Electrolyte balances Replenishment of vitamins and minerals http://home.trainingpeaks.com/blog/article/nutrition-for-endurance-athletes-101
Fuelling Strategies For Athletes
Summary of nutrient needs
Macronutrient Breakdown
Comparison of the recommended daily dietary energy distribution Nutrients Non-Athlete from North America Endurance Athlete (% of total energy) G/KG Body Weight Carbohydrate 45-65% 3-6 g/kg 55-75% 6-10 g/kg Protein 10-15% 08.1 g/kg 10-35% 1.2-1.4 g/kg Fat 15-30% - 20-35%
References https://www.enduropacks.com/blogs/news/18004652-macronutrients-vs-micronutrients-what- endurance-athletes-need-to-know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoVIMJsSsOc http://www.foodpyramid.com/6-essential-nutrients/water/ http://home.trainingpeaks.com/blog/article/nutrition-for-endurance-athletes-101 http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/national/resource/sports-nutrition http://www.ausport.gov.au/ais/nutrition/factsheets/basics/carbohydrate__how_much