Short Stories! Holds all the elements of a story but in a shorter format. Also known as a novella..
Short Story elements you need to know: Characters Who is involved? Can be human or animal Protagonist (main character) Antagonist (someone in conflict with protag.)
Short Story elements you need to know: Setting Place – geographic location Time – historical, time of day, year Weather conditions Social conditions
Short Story elements you need to know: Plot What happens in the story Deals with some sort of conflict Plot is broken into parts The climax is the most interesting part…
Short Story elements you need to know Point of View Who is telling the story (narrator)? 1st Person – uses “I” 3rd Person – uses “he” or “she” 3rd Person Limited – thoughts of one other character are revealed 3rd Person Omniscient – thoughts of all characters are revealed
Short Story elements you need to know: Conflict Types of tension that occurs in a story: Human vs. human Human vs. nature or animal Human vs. society Human vs. himself Human vs. supernatural
Short Story elements you need to know Theme Central idea or message in the story (different then plot) Can be stated directly in story Can be implied: (you need to think about it)
Short Story elements you need to know Foreshadowing Use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in a story. Is used to build suspense and curiosity for the reader.
Short Story elements you need to know Flashback Narrator presents information from the past in order to bring context to the present. (Provide the reader with background info)
Short Story elements you need to know Irony A difference between what is expected will happen and what actually happens Verbal: contrast is evident between what a characters says and what the character does. Dramatic: contrast between what a character says and what the reader knows to be true.
Short Story elements you need to know Irony (continued) -Situational: Event(s) occur which are not expected or considered appropriate.
Short Story elements you need to know Tone The writer’s attitude towards the topic, characters and possibly the reader. Examples: playful, sombre, serious, casual, formal, ironic
Short Story elements you need to know Mood or atmosphere The way the reader feels while reading the story.