Learning Intention To be able to read for information To write an explanatory email
Read the above news article about the ‘Loony Dookers’. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-38484253 Read the above news article about the ‘Loony Dookers’. How do you think they got the name ‘The Loony Dookers?’ Where did it take place? What charity were they supporting? What time did it take place? How many people took part? https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/local/fife/572582/pictures-hundreds-fife- loonies-dook-forth-see-2018/ Give two reasons for doing a ‘loony Dook’ - How much does it cost to train RNLI staff?
What is your opinion? Do you think the ‘Loony Dookers’ are mad or just doing their bit for charity? Write a letter expressing your opinion, to The Editor of The Courier. *Tell him whether you agree or disagree with the Loony Dookers *Give reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with what they do. *Remember to use time connectives to link paragraphs together.
Look at sample email and discuss reason for it Look at sample email and discuss reason for it. Look at ways each paragraph starts and how it is concluded. Use as stimulus for next piece of writing.
Work together to draft this.