Proposed 802.11 MAC Extensions for 11n/s/p May 2006 Proposed 802.11 MAC Extensions for 11n/s/p Date: 2006-05-08 Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http://>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at <>. M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
Proposed Multi-Purpose 802.11 MAC Extensions May 2006 Proposed Multi-Purpose 802.11 MAC Extensions Mathilde Benveniste Background: M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
May 2006 Introduction Extension of the 802.11 MAC protocol to allow parallel use of multiple channels by a set of wireless devices can boost aggregate throughput beyond what an enhanced link protocol can The CCC MAC Achieves shorter delays and higher BSS/mesh aggregate throughput through the parallel use of multiple channels Facilitates multiple-radio device operation for higher node throughput, to avoid bottlenecks at traffic concentration points Observes CCA and virtual carrier sense on all channels used Both existing and new link technologies (11/11b/ 11g/11a/11n) can be used together with CCC M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
Multi-channel BSS/mesh May 2006 Multi-channel BSS/mesh DVD Player WiFi phone Dual WiFi/cell camera phone PDA MP3 Player HDTV AP Desktop Multimedia games Laptop Printer Camcorder Camera M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
Description of Common Control Channel (CCC) MAC Protocol May 2006 Description of Common Control Channel (CCC) MAC Protocol M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
Basic protocol description May 2006 Basic protocol description One control and multiple data channels are available for use in a BSS or mesh CCC works with 1, 1.5, … or n radios Control Channel Devices reserve time on data channels by exchanging CC-RTS/CC-CTS on the control channel CC-RTS/CC-CTS indicate channel being reserved and reservation duration A dedicated radio (receiver) monitors reservations on control channel Control channel may carry data Control channel can serve data channels of diverse PHYs (11b/a/g/n) Data Channels Data radio transmits/receives data on one of multiple data channels, and monitors data channel when not transmitting A device may have multiple data radios for higher node throughput Acknowledgements Acknowledgements may be sent on same channel as data or on control channel CC-Ack useful for multiple-radio devices M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
CCC MAC protocol May 2006 TXOP TXOP TXOP TXOP time Radio Frequency CC-RTS CC-CTS CC-RTS CC-CTS CC-RTS CC-CTS CC-RTS CC-CTS DC 2 DC 1 CC DC 3 TXOP TXOP TXOP TXOP time Radio Frequency M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
Backward-compatibility and co-existence with independent devices 1 Summary description of CCC features May 2006 Backward-compatibility and co-existence with independent devices CCC observes CCA and virtual carrier sense CCA Transmission on the control and data channel follows CSMA/CA rules Virtual carrier sense A NAV is maintained for each of the channels used Each NAV is updated by CC-RTS/CC-CTS transmitted on control channel RTS/CTS and other NAV-setting frames on data channel NAV-setting information is collected by both the control radio and the data radio(s) A device has the control radio constantly tuned to the control channel and a data radio tuned to a data channel, collecting NAV information continually The data radio must be tuned to a data channel for at least a time period (TBD) prior to initiating its reservation, to enable NAV synchronization M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
May 2006 Multi-channel BSS under CCC MAC Example: AP, WiFi phone and PDA have 1 radio All other devices have 1.5 (2) radios DVD Player WiFi phone PDA Data traffic on the control channel Data traffic on the data channel AP HDTV Legacy APs and legacy stations co-exist with CCC stations Desktop 3 channels in use CC (control channel) DC (data channels) Laptop Printer Camcorder M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
on both data and control channel on both data and control channel May 2006 Multi-channel multi-radio BSS/mesh under CCC MAC Example: Some handheld devices have 1 radio AP and other devices have 1.5 (2) radios PVR WiFi phone Dual WiFi/cell camera phone PDA MP3 Player AP communicates on both data and control channel DLS transmissions on both data and control channel HDTV AP Desktop CCC AP serves CCC and legacy stations on multiple channels Multimedia games 4 channels in use CC (control channel) DC (data channels) Laptop Printer Camcorder Camera M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
WLAN traffic load concentration calls for multi-radio devices May 2006 WLAN traffic load concentration calls for multi-radio devices Infrastructure APs concentrate BSS traffic A multi-radio AP will accommodate high aggregate BSS throughput to/from DS For meshes, load increases (geometrically) with the number of mesh APs (hops) as paths converge toward the portal The total load through the portal is the sum of the loads offered at the mesh APs Multi-radio devices are needed closer to the portal of a mesh and at APs with heavy traffic loads Load =x Load =3x Load =7x Load =15x Portal Load =30x Mesh AP M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
Adjacent Channel Interference May 2006 Adjacent Channel Interference Multi-radio devices can suffer adjacent channel interference (ACI) while transmitting and receiving simultaneously on adjacent channels The number of available non-adjacent data channels is small Using ‘non-adjacent’ channels only to avoid ACI lowers efficiency of channel use Low channel re-use since only a few channels can be used in the mesh M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
CCC solution to ACI problem 1 Summary description of CCC features May 2006 CCC solution to ACI problem The control and data channels are selected so that the control channel is not adjacent to any of the data channels Data channels may be adjacent to one another, as long as there is no simultaneous transmission and reception by the same device on adjacent channels A transmission is delayed if a device is receiving and there is no non-adjacent channel available A reservation is declined if the request is for a channel adjacent to the one the device is transmitting on Acknowledgements between end points involved in adjacent-channel transmissions must be sent on the control channel M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
802.11n – CCC in High Throughput May 2006 802.11n – CCC in High Throughput HT will provide high link and high aggregate network throughput CCC enables Use of multiple-radio devices to increase link throughput; the control channel can be used simultaneously with another channel Any combination of multiple channels can be used by different streams (including DLS) in BSS to increase aggregate throughput, even beyond what’s possible with current TGn proposal If added as an optional feature, CCC imposes no requirements on non-CCC devices M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
802.11s – CCC in ESS Mesh (Extended Service Set Mesh) May 2006 802.11s – CCC in ESS Mesh (Extended Service Set Mesh) ESS Mesh – Wireless distribution system for multiple APs and for extension of coverage The traffic of multiple APs is conveyed along wireless backbone CCC capabilities Multiple-channel access – high aggregate throughput based on availability Multiple-radio devices – high link throughput, to avert bottlenecks near portal CCA and virtual carrier sense capability for co-existence with independent and legacy devices Current 11s proposal lacks the following: No multi-radio capability Virtual carrier sense is not always observed (not backward compatible) M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
802.11p – CCC in WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment) May 2006 802.11p – CCC in WAVE (Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment) WAVE – Communications between roadside APs and vehicles and between vehicles Very short latencies Some applications must complete multiple data exchanges within 4 to 50ms CCC enables Quick short reservation on control channel – high priority access Choice of one of many data channels to perform the data exchange Un-tethered multicast/broadcast capability Efficient use of available channels for maximum throughput M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
1 Summary description of CCC features May 2006 Summary With the CCC MAC, communicating wireless devices can access in parallel a pool of channels, not just one channel At nodes of high traffic concentration, a device can operate on multiple radios at once (without ACI) – a ‘must’ for wireless backhaul meshes CCC can be used with any mix of PHY channels, including 11n If used with 11n channels, CCC multiplies the throughput increase beyond what is attainable by 11n alone (e.g. for multimedia applications) Several 802.11 task groups will benefit from the adoption of CCC as an optional MAC extension: TGn, TGs, and TGp Implementation of CCC as an option poses no requirements on non-CCC devices CCC is backward compatible with existing 802.11 devices CCC devices can co-exist with non-CCC and independent (in different BSSs or non-mesh) 802.11 devices M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)
1 Summary description of CCC features May 2006 References M. Benveniste, "CCC Mesh MAC Protocol," IEEE 802.11s Document, DCN 802.11-05/0610r1, June 2005, M. Benveniste, "CCC MAC Protocol Framework and Optional Features," IEEE 802.11s Document, DCN 802.11-05/0880r0, September 2005, M. Benveniste and Z. Tao, "Performance Evaluation of a MAC Protocol for 802.11s Mesh Networks," 2006 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, March 2006, M. Benveniste, “Avoiding Adjacent Channel Interference with Multi-Radio Mesh Points,” IEEE 802.11s Document, DCN 802.11-05/1123r0, November 2005, M. Benveniste (Avaya Labs)