Personality & Mental Health Chapter 3 Personality & Mental Health
What is personality Unique combination of traits that make you an individual. Each personality is different
Extrovert Friendly, outgoing, not overly shy
Introvert Less outgoing, thoughts directed inward, shy
Optimist Focuses on the positive side of things
Pessimist Looks at the negative and expects the worst
Personality Assertive- Able to stand up for yourself in a non-threatening way Passive- Holding back feelings and giving in easily Aggressive- Forceful or threatening
How is personality formed? Heredity-Infants are born with distinct personalities Environment- Family, Friends, Peers, School, Culture, etc. Modeling- Copy behavior of others
What is Self-Esteem? How well you feel about yourself!! Will it ever change???
How does Self-Esteem develop? Comments Personality Friends Family Etc, Etc, Etc,
Ways to improve Self-Esteem Focus on strengths…NOT Weakness’s Good Friends/Family
6 Common Emotions Love Anger Fear Guilt Happiness Sadness