Chapter 12 Personality
Personality Consistent Tendency: behavior across situations Distinctiveness: Individual personality traits
Personality An individuals unique set of consistent behavioral traits Stability of behavior over time Behavioral differences among people reacting to the same situation ( distinctiveness )
Personality Trait A durable disposition to behave in a particular way in a variety of situations
The Five Factor Model Extraversion: outgoing, sociable, upbeat, friendly, assertive, gregarious Positive Happy Motivated to pursue social contact, intimacy, interdependency
Five Factor Model 2. Neuroticism anxious, hostile, self conscious, insecure, vulnerable Negative Overreact to stress Impulsive, emotionally unstable
Five Factor Model 3. Openness to Experience curious, flexible, imagination, artistic, sensitive, unconventional attitudes Tolerant Less need for closure on issues Liberal politics, less prejudice
Five Factor Model Agreeableness sympathetic, trusting, cooperative, modest, straightforward Constructive approach to conflict resolution Less quarrelsome, empathy, helping Opposite: suspicious, antagonistic, aggressive
Five Factor Model 5. Conscientiousness Disciplined, well organized, punctual, dependable Constraint Strong self discipline Diligence & dependability
Psychoanalytic Theory Attempts to explain personality, motivation, and mental disorders by focusing on unconscious behavior Developed by Freud, and later by Jung and Adler Focus on early childhood experiences, unconscious motives and conflicts
Psychoanalysis Lengthy verbal instructions with patients Developed by Freud An attempt to probe deeply into patients lives by making them aware of their unconsciousness
Freud Behavior governed by unconsciousness Childhood experiences Emphasis on sexual urges
Freud’s Structure of Personality ID: primitive, instinctive, seeks pleasure – Pleasure Principle Ego: Reality principle, decision making, mediates between ID ( desire ) and socially acceptable behavior Superego: Moral component, guilt
Freud’s Levels of Awareness Conscious: Whatever one is aware of at particular point in time Preconscious: Easily retrieved material just beneath the surface of awareness. Unconsciousness: Thoughts and desires we