Warmup (p. 10) – Take notes PASSED/PAST – Passed is the past tense of the verb “to pass”. Past is used for every other part of speech. PRECEDE/PROCEED – Precede refers to something that “comes before something”. Proceed means “to continue”. WHO/WHOM – Who is used as the subject. Whom is used everywhere else (as the object). **THAN/THEN – Than is used for comparison or exception. Then is used for a sequence of events. You will need a copy of The Scarlet Letter. Take out yours or get one of mine.
Practice – do not write unless you need to. I hope that we all passed/past that course. It will be hard for the spy to get passed/past security. Please precede/proceed to the nearest exit. The rock band was preceded/proceeded by a comic act. Do you know who/whom painted that picture? Who/whom do you trust with your cell phone? Other than/then my parents, most people like the snow. We will go to the movies and than/then to dinner.
GOAL: Use QAR to analyze Pearl. Question and Response (QAR) 1. RIGHT THERE – The answer to this question is directly stated IN ONE PLACE in the text. 2. THINK AND SEARCH – The answer to this question is not directly stated in one place, but the answer can be found in several places over the course of the text. 3. AUTHOR AND ME – The answer is not stated directly in the text, but you need to use some of the information from the text to find the answer and make a connection to the text (more than one answer is possible). 4. ON MY OWN – This answer comes completely from the reader and reading the text is not required to find the answer (more than one answer is possible).
Topic: PEARL (from chapters 1-12) NB p Topic: PEARL (from chapters 1-12) NB p. 11 – Come up with 4 questions about Pearl Example questions for Hester RIGHT THERE – What did Hester do when Dimmesdale first asked her who Pearl’s father is? THINK AND SEARCH – How does Hester feel about her punishment? AUTHOR AND ME – Why does Hester plead to Dimmesdale to speak on her behalf at Gov. Bellingham’s? ON MY OWN – What do I think about people who choose to extend their punishment?