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Presentation transcript:

Welcome! The Topic For Today Is…

The Scarlet Letter Romanticism Hawthorne and the Scarlet Letter Characters and Conflicts Plot and Literary Elements Random ??? 200 400 600 800 1000 Bonus Question: 5000 pts

Topic 1: 200 Question: Romanticism was a reaction against this philosophy. Answer Rationalism Back

Topic 1: 400 Question: When and where did the Romantic Movement begin? Answer Germany in the second half of the 18th century Back

Topic 1: 600 Question: Identify one of the similarities between Romanticism and Transcendentalism. Answer Interest in the spiritual world Valued intuition and imagination over rationalism Explored the mysteries of human existence Back

Topic 1: 800 Question: Identify one of the differences between Romanticism and Transcendentalism. Answer The Transcendentalists believed the divine was implicit in nature The Transcendentalists believed that people are essentially good The Dark Romantics focused on the darker side of human nature The Dark Romantics acknowledged the presence of suffering in the world The Dark Romantics acknowledged the ongoing conflict between good and evil Back

Topic 1: 1000 Question: List the four characteristics of Romanticism from your notes. Answer Affirmation of feeling and intuition over reason Faith in imagination, inner experience, and youthful innocence, rather than educated sophistication Belief in the unspoiled natural world, as opposed to the artificiality of civilization Regard for individual freedom and the worth of the individual Back

Topic 2: 200 Question: Where was Hawthorne born? Answer Salem, Massachusetts Back

Topic 2: 400 Question: What position did Hawthorne hold that might have informed his writing of the “Custom House Introduction” to the novel? Answer He once worked in the Salem custom house Back

Topic 2: 600 Question: When did Hawthorne publish The Scarlet Letter? Answer 1850 Back

Topic 2: 800 Question: The Scarlet Letter is representative of which literary movement? Answer Romanticism—specifically Dark Romanticism with distinctive Gothic elements Back

Topic 2: 1000 Question: Why have scholars concluded that Hawthorne assumed the guilt of his Puritan ancestry? Answer His great-great-grandfather was a judge in the Salem Witch Trials and he changed the spelling of his name to distance himself. It is also evident because of the themes and setting he deals with in some of his literary works. Back

Topic 3: 200 Question: Literary scholars have hailed this character as the first true heroine in American literature. Answer Hester Prynne Back

Topic 3: 400 Question: Which character is referred to as “the Leech”? (F&L) Answer Roger Chillingworth Back

Topic 3: 600 Question: Which character is reputed to be a witch? Answer Mistress Hibbins Back

Topic 3: 800 Question: Which character is the living embodiment of the scarlet letter? Answer Pearl is the living embodiment of Hester’s sin. Back

Topic 3: 1000 Question: Chillingworth is the greatest sinner in the novel because he violates the human heart through what? Answer His obsession with vengeance Back

Topic 4: 200 Question: How does Hester Prynne earn a living? Answer Through her needlework Back

Topic 4: 400 Question: What gesture does the Reverend Mr. Dimmesdale make throughout the novel? Answer He places his hand over his heart Back

Topic 4: 600 Question: After years of wearing the scarlet letter, many believe the letter “A” to stand for Answer Able Back

Topic 4: 800 Question: How does Chillingworth figure out that Dimmesdale is Pearl’s father? Answer Chillingworth becomes Dimmesdale’s physician and guesses the secret because of Dimmesdale’s declining health and peculiar behavior Back

Topic 4: 1000 Question: What is ironic about the first scaffold scene? Answer Dimmesdale is called upon to ask Hester who has fathered her child when he is, in fact, the father Back

Topic 5: 200 Question: During their walk in the forest, Hester convinces Dimmesdale to do what? Answer To run away with her and live elsewhere Back

Topic 5: 400 Question: How does Hester respond when she finds out the Puritan council might allow her to remove the scarlet letter? Answer She indicates only God can remove her letter Back

Topic 5: 600 Question: How does Pearl react when Hester removes the scarlet letter while they are in the forest with Dimmesdale? Answer She acts as though she doesn’t recognize her Back

Topic 5: 800 Question: How does Hawthorne characterize the Puritan society? Answer He presents the reader with contradictory images and hypocrisy and emphasizes the Puritan’s judgmental self-righteousness Back

Topic 5: 1000 Question: List the three conjectures mentioned toward the end of the novel for how the scarlet letter came to be upon Dimmesdale’s breast: Answer Chillingworth caused it to appear there through the agency of magic and poisonous drugs It was the result of Dimmesdale’s self-inflicted torture It was a result of Heaven’s dreadful judgment and the active tooth of remorse, gnawing from the inmost heart outwardly Back

Bonus Question: 5000 pts. Question: Identify verbatim the “sweet moral blossom” Hawthorne says the reader can glean from the poor minister’s miserable experience. Answer “Be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred!” Back

Daily Double The Winner Of The Last Round Write Down How Much Money You Are Willing To Risk If You get the Question write you win that money If you get it wrong you Loss the money!

Support your answer with evidence from the text. Daily Double Was there really a scarlet letter on Dimmesdale’s breast? If so, conduct a close reading to determine which explanation Hawthorne seem to favor for how it came to be there. Support your answer with evidence from the text.