Sprouting 101 Getting started, the easy way! You’re going to love this! YOUR NAME HERE, Raw Food Educator, Health Coach
Let’s get to it! You have options! *you can jar sprout *you can sprout in a nut mylk bag
You can make a home made lid, or buy one! EASY PEASY!
Soak your sprouts over night Step #1 Soak your sprouts over night Put about one inch of dried beans or legumes and leave on counter until the moring
In the morning, rinse your sprouts, then drain.
Drain at an angle so they can breathe. DO drain with jar at an angle... DON’T drain with jar straight down... Your plants/living foods need air, and can mold this way.
Rinse your legumes or beans every few hours, then drain again. Doing this will rinse away the mold, water your plants and deliver oxygen to your sprouts. Do this for approximately 48 hours. Your sprouts are finished when your tails are 2x the size of the body.
Ready to refrigerate After the sprouts have drained for a couple of hours, change to a proper lid, without holes. Will last in refrigerator for up to two weeks. Best idea to label with a date.
Before eating Rinse your sprouts before tossing in your salad, or smoothies. Sprouts are living foods, and therefore they secrete.
Sprouting in a bag *You can also sprout in a nut mylk bag *Follow the exact same process for soaking *Transfer sprouts to a nut mylk bag. Hang from a kitchen knob, or something else that is suspended *Rinse every couple of hours, as you would in a jar Transfer back to a jar for storage
The benefits of eating sprouts Outrageously, over the top, HEALTHY! Consuming living foods, nourishes the body on a cellular level. You may experience a profound shift in your health and consciousness. Extremely high in vitamin & mineral content. Should be the core to health and nutrition. Living foods, contribute to our own life force!
Where to get the beans, legumes and grains You will want to purchase online or from an excellent organic market. You want organic sprouts, not conventional, or genetically modified.
What you can sprout in a jar or a bag: mung beans french lentils lentils garbanzo beans fenugreek your own custom mix
Sprouting tips Ideal temperature to sprout is 64-72 degrees. You do not want direct sunlight on your sprouts.
Eat up & enjoy your sprouts! Eat your way to outrageous health!
Sprouting 101 Getting started, the easy way! You’re going to love this! YOUR NAME HERE, Raw Food Educator, Health Coach