WINTER Monday, March 7 Template Topic 4 Template Should the government intervene in markets to ensure competition?
Which of the 4 market systems do you think is best? Tuesday, March 8 Topic 4 Which of the 4 market systems do you think is best? Perfect competition Monopolistic competition Oligopoly Monopoly
Wednesday, March 9 Which market structure has the most competition? Which has the least? Perfect competition Monopolistic competition Oligopoly Monopoly
You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit. Thursday, March 10 When are monopolies allowed? You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit.
Friday, March 11 Why do governments issue patents?
WINTER Monday, March 14 Template Topic 5 Template If you were to start a business, how much control would you like to have over it? Why?