Share Your Gratitude Thursday, November 17, 2016 -Our activity today involves writing a gratitude note/letter to someone who has had an impact on you and you may have not yet properly thanked. You could also share with your family grateful moments from your day while eating around the dinner table tonight. The conversations that follow may give you even more reasons to give thanks. >>Students, get out a piece of notebook paper. Start thinking of someone you would like to write a note/letter of gratitude to. Remember the synonyms for gratitude: appreciation, acknowledgement, recognition, thanks, grateful, honor, praise, thanksgiving, thankfulness… Take some time to reflect on why you are grateful to or for this person. Feel free to draw them a picture if that is a more comfortable way for you to express your gratitude. Keep focusing on and spreading the gratitude! Have a wonderful week off next week! Remember that we are thankful for each and everyone of YOU! Be Social About Your Gratitude Practice Our relationships with others are the greatest determinant of our happiness. So it makes sense to think of other people as we build our gratitude. Robert Emmons suggests that focusing our gratitude on people for whom we’re thankful rather than circumstances or material items will enhance the benefits we experience. And while you’re at it, why not include others directly into your expression of gratitude?