The History of Atomic Theory
What did Democritus offer to the model of the atom?
Why did Aristotle object to Democritus’ idea?
What was Dalton’s contribution to the Model
Thomson discovered the electron Thomson discovered the electron. How did he do that and how did he use that to develop a model?
Find a diagram that explains his model.
http://highered. mcgraw-hill. com/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop. cgi
What information did they discover in the gold leaf experiment What information did they discover in the gold leaf experiment. Explain how this information reshaped the atom model.
Paste an image of Rutherford’s model below.
What was the relevance of the shells in Bohr’s Model?
The End of the History the beginning of the Knowledge Indivisible Electron Nucleus Orbit Electron Cloud Greek Dalton Thomson Rutherford Bohr Wave The End of the History the beginning of the Knowledge