A E B D C Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet of paper.


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Presentation transcript:

A E B D C Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet of paper. Open your computer and begin logging on. Log on to iLit. (Remember, use the address bar at the top of the screen and type: learnilit.com) Look at the following pictures. Write the letters of the pictures are related to the word “defiance.” Once you have logged on, go to Assignments and continue working on Interactive Reader. A E B D C

Agenda Time (min.’s) Unit: Media and Technology Essential Question: Is privacy possible in a digital world? 10 Interactive Reader 5 Vocabulary (hulking, enforce, bellowed) 15 Read Aloud Think Aloud Among the Hidden (asking questions and making connections to the theme) Classroom Conversation Whole Group (making predictions) 35 Work Time (The Grade, Interactive Reader, Study Plan) Wrap-Up

Standards: LAFS.8.RL.1.1 Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the test says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. LAFS.8.W.4.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences. LAFS.8.SL.1.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. LAFS.8.RL.1.3 Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.

Work Time: Students will be working independently on the following: Finishing “The Grade” assessment (in Assignments). Work on iPractice 1.1: Ask Questions (in Assignments) and 1.2 Predict the Outcome. 3) Work on Grammar Study Plan. 4) Work on Extra Practice: Word Match. (in Assignments). 5) Work on the Interactive Reader assignment sent to them (in Assignments). 6) Go to the Library. Click My Level. Choose a book to begin reading.

Work Time: Students will be working in small groups with Mr. Kern: Beginning/ Logging on to iLit’s The Grade test. Breaking words apart.

Wrap-Up: Who thinks Luke will ever go outside again? Continue working on your assignments as homework and, think of at least three more questions you might have about what we read today concerning the characters, the setting, or the plot.