Monday, January 11 WINTER Bell Ringers Template
You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit. Wednesday, January 13 What events in history are you most interested in studying (if you had to choose). You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit.
You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit. Thursday, January 14 Why do you think this time period was called the industrial revolution? What made it a revolution? You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit.
You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit. Friday, January 15 Would you have liked to work in a factory during the industrial revolution? Why or why not? You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit.
Monday, January 18 WINTER MLK DAY: No school Template
You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit. Tuesday, January 19 What were some of the new ways of thinking during the IR? Hint: you wrote about 5 important people and their ways of thinking last class You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit.
You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit. Wednesday, January 20 What was the greatest invention in the industrial revolution? Why? You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit.
You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit. Thursday, January 21 What was the greatest invention in your lifetime? Why? You need 2 or more complete sentences to get full credit.
Friday, January 22 Ch. 19 & 21 test today! No bell ringer, no vocab