The basis of the human experience! Perception The basis of the human experience!
Perceptual Organization
Closure What do you see?
Closure Tendency to perceive a complete or whole figure by filling in gaps that senses show. No actual triangle or circle
Figure-Ground Perception Perception of figures against a background What we perceive as the figure and perceive as the background influence our perception
Other Rules of Organization Proximity Similarity Continuity
Other Rules of Organization Continuity Cont’d Common fate
Perception of Movement
Movement Need to see object change position relative to other objects Earth
Stroboscopic Motion
Stroboscopic Motion Illusion of movement produced when showing progression of images that have not moved at all Using strobe lights Flipbook Hot Fuzz Movies
Depth Perception
Monocular Cues for Depth Need one eye Artists use it on paintings Perception of size effects how we view things
Monocular Cues Clearness = clearer when nearer Overlapping = placing one object in front of another
Monocular Cues Shadows/Highlights = clues to source of light
Monocular Cues Texture gradient = Less detail in texture further away
Monocular Cues Motion Parallax = image as viewer moves Driving in a car – Stars move with you, intermediate objects go similar speeds, and close objects zoom by
Perceptual Constancies
Size Constancy Gained through experience.
Shape Constancy
Visual Illusions FUN STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which line is longer? Muller-Lyer Illusion
Which horizontal line is longer? Ponzo Illusion
Count the black dots
Read the color, not the word
Wrap Up How does perception affect the messages received from sensations?