P RESENTATION P LAN 1.General ideas 2. Specifities of capacity building needs in the agricultural sector 3.Capacity building strategies? 4.Recommendations?
G ENERAL IDEAS The development of skills in rural surroundings is linked to the classification of farmers, to their needcs and the available training opportunities. In general terms, farmer classification varies depending on the following: The means of production,
G ENERAL IDEAS the purpose of production, the basic education level group dynamics. Taking into account this diversity is a key factor in analyzing the adequacy of capacity building vis-a-vis the actual needs. NB: Here « needs » refers first and foremost to non financial and then financial services
C LASSIFICATION OF F ARMERS –According to structural classification, the following may be identified: M ICROS AND SMALL SCALE FARMERS Rudimentary means Subsistence or commercial agriculture Low level Low income M EANS AVAILABLE TO FARMERS beginning of mechanization greater space and means for production Participation in agribusiness Access to local markets Middle income A GRO - INDUSTRIES Greater mechanization – significant production means Transformation process Access to national and international markets Bigger income
D EMAND SPECIFICITIES ACCORDING TO FARMER CATEGORIES The needs are: individual, collectives in the case of creating group dynamics, value chains or sector development and according to the following categories: Micro Micro Small scale Small scale Medium Medium Industries Industries
D EMAND S PECIFICITIES ACCORDING TO FARMER CATEGORIES For purposes of development, all farmer categories would like to to be supported for better management of their farms. Especially in terms of: Mastering various business functions ( finance, efficient and effective production, supply of raw materials and equipment, management of stock, mastering the market through various marketing components ( packaging, etc..) human resource management with tools suitable for their level of education Mastering various business functions ( finance, efficient and effective production, supply of raw materials and equipment, management of stock, mastering the market through various marketing components ( packaging, etc..) human resource management with tools suitable for their level of education Make business plans for mobilizing funds required for their activities. Make business plans for mobilizing funds required for their activities. For purposes of development, all farmer categories would like to to be supported for better management of their farms. Especially in terms of: Mastering various business functions ( finance, efficient and effective production, supply of raw materials and equipment, management of stock, mastering the market through various marketing components ( packaging, etc..) human resource management with tools suitable for their level of education Mastering various business functions ( finance, efficient and effective production, supply of raw materials and equipment, management of stock, mastering the market through various marketing components ( packaging, etc..) human resource management with tools suitable for their level of education Make business plans for mobilizing funds required for their activities. Make business plans for mobilizing funds required for their activities.
D EMAND SPECIFICITIES ACCORDING TO FARMER CATEGORIES How to share costs and share expenses Mastering negotiation, advocacy and lobbying techniques, succeed in farmer groups Information and opportunity sharing Sector and competition monitoring
Training shortcomings in the sector Modules that do not match farmers realities: time, venue… No follow-up on skills imparted by trainers Absence of an appropriate training plan Preconceived modules, not adapted to the actual needs Non sectoral approach Lack of proper analysis of farmers needs Difficulty in encouraging farmers to freely express their needs without fear Needs assess- ment Training Preparation Implement ation Monitoring
WEAKNESSES RELATED TO FARMERS CAPACITY TO EXPRESS DEMAND WEAKNESSES RELATED TO FARMERS CAPACITY TO EXPRESS DEMAND Farmers are not always able to express their management capacity building needs; They often ignore and/ or do not know that acquiring skills is also investment for the development of their farms. Existence of several methods developed by technical partners without consultation.
S TRATEGIES FOR CAPACITY BUILDING Capacity building for in-service training:Capacity building for in-service training: –2 - 3 day group training (5 hours/day) for groups of farmers of similar activities during periods of low activity –Study tours to demonstration farms –Individual on-site coaching on specific modules according to a capacity building plan –Put in place monitoring mechanisms
S TRATEGIES FOR CAPACITY BUILDING Education through the classic education system: coupled with dual or alternate training Education through the classic education system: coupled with dual or alternate training For farm creating bearers, concurrently with technical training For farm creating bearers, concurrently with technical training Farm schools with defined modules and refresher courses through in-service training depending on farmer category using the BIT methodology: BETTER MANAGEMENT FOR YOUR BUSINESS Farm schools with defined modules and refresher courses through in-service training depending on farmer category using the BIT methodology: BETTER MANAGEMENT FOR YOUR BUSINESS
R OLES A T BDS LEVEL 1.Carryout proper assessment of training needs 2.Prepare modules taking into account farmers needs and testing them before their widespread application 3.Advocate for reorientation of capacity building strategies in a sustainable and systems approach involving farmers associations
R OLES OF G OVERNMENTAL A UTHORITIES 1.Implement agricultural capacity building policies at national level 2.Sector and systems approach to capacity building instead of parcel approach 3.Setting up benchmarking platforms 4.Advocacy for coordinating donor support for capacity building 5.Strengthening information sharing tools and agricultural and business opportunities
R OLES OF SECTOR PARTNERS 1.Encourage formulation of national capacity building policies in a sector and systems approach instead of a parcel approach 2.Support post training monitoring of farmers for better application of acquired knowledge.
R OLES A T F ARMERS L EVEL 1.Aim at creating farmers professional associations to carryout advocacy and adjust governmental programmes to fit the realities of rural enterprises.
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