Lecture 10 Proposals
Proposal Proposal is the act of offering or suggesting something for acceptance, adoption or performance. Proposal is also a plan or scheme. Proposals may be written to departments within your own company or to outside requesters.
Purposes of Proposals To sell property. To construct infrastructure. To survey. Improving engineering performance within a company. Communicating strategies issues throughout the company. Planning and basic research and many more …
Kinds of Proposals Research Proposals Business Proposals Professors and school or university departments often submit requests for research proposals. Business Proposals In length proposals may be similar to short or long formal reports.
Parts of Proposals Title Page Executive Summary, Abstract, Synopsis Similar to reports. Executive Summary, Abstract, Synopsis Draft Contract A draft contract allows the receiver to offer a counter offer. Such an early presentation gives an immediate overview, including financial information if the reader is non-hostile. Table of Contents
Parts of Proposals (cont’d …) Introduction Purpose Problem Scope Define the boundaries of your project. Project Team Background Procedures Equipments and Facilities Personnel Budget Appendixes
A General Formal Proposal Prefatory Parts Title Page Letter of Transmittal Table of Contents List of Tables/Figures Executive Summary or Abstract
A General Formal Proposal (cont’d …) Body Introduction Problem Need Background Objectives Procedures Methods and sources Plan Sequence of activities Equipments and facilities Personnel qualifications Evaluation and benefits or project Budget (cost, prices)
A General Formal Proposal (cont’d …) 3. Supplementary Parts Agency forms Budget justification References Tables, maps or graphs