Fill the following in with one of these words. Focus, fracture, fault Fill the following in with one of these words. Focus, fracture, fault. 1) the breaking of a plate 2) crack along Earth’s surface 3) point beneath Earth’s surface where the breaking of a plate occurs
Answer the following. 1) What boundary is associated with a reverse fault? 2) What fault is associated with a divergent boundary? 3) What boundary is associated with shear stress? 4) What stress is associated with a divergent boundary? 5) What fault is associated with compressional stress?
Answer the following. Which wave seismic wave moves the fastest? Which wave is most destructive to property? Which wave moves lithosphere at right angles to direction of wave? Which wave moves lithosphere in same direction wave travels? Which wave does not pass through the outer core? Which wave will be found in the p wave shadow zone?
Earthquakes occur when rocks _____. Boundary Type Stress Fault Convergent 1) 2) 3) 4) Strike slip 5) Tension 6) Earthquakes occur when rocks _____. A _____ line is the area along which rocks move due to a fracture. A fracture occurs when too much _____ is applied to a rock.
3rd bellringer of week: KWL Chart for earthquakes 3rd bellringer of week: KWL Chart for earthquakes. Write the format on the board down on your bellringer paper and write what you know about earthquakes and what you want to know.
First Bellringer of week Using the stress vocabulary (tension, compression, and shear), write 3 different sentences in which you use one of each of the 3 words. Each sentence should express the meaning of the vocabulary term. For example: The two cars collided in the accident and compressed together, the volume of each decreasing.
2nd Bellringer of week Answer the following questions? Which wave is the fastest? Which wave causes the most damage? Which wave will be read by a seismograph first? Which wave moves particles at right angle to the wave’s direction? What layer of the Earth will s waves not move through? What will p waves do when they enter the inner core? What is the region called where you don’t find any waves? Which wave moves particles in the direction the wave is traveling?
B a C Write the type of fault, boundary, and Stress that can be found for each letter.
What is the name of point D and E What is the name of point D and E? Where does the fracture actually occur?
First Bellringer of week Using the stress vocabulary (tension, compression, and shear), write 3 different sentences in which you use one of each of the 3 words. Each sentence should express the meaning of the vocabulary term. For example: The two cars collided in the accident and compressed together, the volume of each decreasing.