Chapter 4 Water Supply
Fresh Water > 2% locked in ice caps and under ground
The hydrological cycle What is it? Why is it important? It renews fresh water so that it can be used again and again surface runoff
Difference between surface runoff and infiltration - rain water absorbs by the ground/surface surface runoff - can form ground water - water can no longer be absorbed by the ground - water flows across a surface
Infiltration or surface runoff? How to annotate a photograph
A flood Title Location? at a road side, in a city What are the effects of the flood? road congestion businesses will be affected What is the water level as measured by your observations? What other observations? It is raining heavily lots of dead leaves floating ankle deep on the foreground Up to the car’s bumper in the background
Uses Of Water
Uses of water consumption households hygiene amenity farming factories Domestic Economic agricultural Industrial hygiene amenity farming see page 126 factories see page 127
Obvious water usage at home
Hidden water 7 000 litres of water ?
The uses of water with reference to graphs.
Is the data reliable? Is the data useful?
How to calculate water footprint of a country? Total population divided by Total amount of water used to produce goods and services for a person
!Kung Bushmen vs Singaporean Boy Who has a higher water footprint? Why?