4.4 Indeterminate Forms and L’Hospital’s Rule APPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENTIATION 4.4 Indeterminate Forms and L’Hospital’s Rule CHECK LATER. In this section, we will learn: How to evaluate limits of functions whose values cannot be found at certain points.
We would like to know the value of the limit INDETERMINATE FORMS Expression 1 We would like to know the value of the limit In computing this limit, we can’t apply Law 5 of limits (Section 2.3) because the limit of the denominator is 0.
INDETERMINATE FORM —TYPE 0/0 In general, if we have a limit of the form where both f(x) → 0 and g(x) → 0 as x → a, then this limit may or may not exist. It is called an indeterminate form of type 0/0.
INDETERMINATE FORMS Expression 2 Another situation in which a limit is not obvious occurs when we look for a horizontal asymptote of f and need to evaluate the limit It isn’t obvious how to evaluate this limit because both numerator and denominator become large as x → ∞.
There is a struggle between the two. INDETERMINATE FORMS There is a struggle between the two. If the numerator wins, the limit will be ∞. If the denominator wins, the answer will be 0. Alternatively, there may be some compromise— the answer may be some finite positive number.
INDETERMINATE FORM —TYPE ∞/∞ In general, if we have a limit of the form where both f(x) → ∞ (or -∞) and g(x) → ∞ (or -∞), then the limit may or may not exist. It is called an indeterminate form of type ∞/∞.
L’HOSPITAL’S RULE Suppose f and g are differentiable and g'(x) ≠ 0 on an open interval I that contains a (except possibly at a). Suppose or that In other words, we have an indeterminate form of type or ∞/∞.
if the limit on the right exists (or is ∞ or - ∞). L’HOSPITAL’S RULE Then, if the limit on the right exists (or is ∞ or - ∞).
NOTE 2 The rule is also valid for one-sided limits and for limits at infinity or negative infinity. That is, ‘x → a’ can be replaced by any of the symbols x → a+, x → a-, x → ∞, or x → - ∞.
Find and Thus, we can apply L’Hospital’s Rule: L’HOSPITAL’S RULE Example 1 Find and Thus, we can apply L’Hospital’s Rule:
Calculate We have and So, L’Hospital’s Rule gives: L’HOSPITAL’S RULE Example 2 Calculate We have and So, L’Hospital’s Rule gives:
However, a second application of l’Hospital’s Rule gives: Example 2 As ex → ∞ and 2x → ∞ as x → ∞, the limit on the right side is also indeterminate. However, a second application of l’Hospital’s Rule gives:
Calculate As ln x → ∞ and as x → ∞, L’Hospital’s Rule applies: Example 3 Calculate As ln x → ∞ and as x → ∞, L’Hospital’s Rule applies: Notice that the limit on the right side is now indeterminate of type .
L’HOSPITAL’S RULE Example 3 However, instead of applying the rule a second time as we did in Example 2, we simplify the expression and see that a second application is unnecessary:
INDETERMINATE FORM—TYPE 0 . ∞ Another kind of limit is called an indeterminate form of type 0 . ∞. We can deal with it by writing the product fg as a quotient: This converts the given limit into an indeterminate form of type or ∞/∞, so that we can use L’Hospital’s Rule.
INDETERMINATE PRODUCTS Example 4 Evaluate The given limit is indeterminate because, as x → 0+, the first factor (x) approaches 0, whereas the second factor (ln x) approaches -∞. So, L’Hospital’s Rule gives:
INDETERMINATE PRODUCTS Note In solving the example, another possible option would have been to write: This gives an indeterminate form of the type 0/0. However, if we apply L’Hospital’s Rule, we get a more complicated expression than the one we started with.
INDETERMINATE FORM—TYPE ∞ - ∞ If and , then the limit is called an indeterminate form of type ∞ - ∞.
INDETERMINATE DIFFERENCES Example 5 Compute First, notice that sec x → ∞ and tan x → ∞ as x → (π/2)-. So, the limit is indeterminate ∞ - ∞.
INDETERMINATE DIFFERENCES Example 5 Here, we use a common denominator: Note that the use of L’Hospital’s Rule is justified because 1 – sin x → 0 and cos x → 0 as x → (π/2)-.