Warm-Up – 4 Square Review 1) Divide a piece of paper into 4 squares. 2) Label each square: Unit 1: Identity, Culture, Stereotypes & Acceptance Unit 2: Teen Angst – The Struggle is Real Unit 3: Dystopias – Perception is Everything Unit 4: Rags to Riches 3) In each square, list everything you remember about that unit. Include vocabulary terms, big ideas, texts, projects, assignments, etc. 4) After making your list, identify the one most important piece of knowledge from each unit. What’s the biggest take-away?
Questions for consideration Which unit did you like best? Why? Which single assignment did you like best? Why? Which text did you like best? Why? What should we change next year? What needs to be improved?
Vocabulary bingo Make sure you keep up!
Final Exam writing Portion To prove what you learned this semester, write a LETTER to a FUTURE STUDENT. This must combine skills in informational writing as well as argumentative writing – you must inform me about your knowledge and persuade a future student about what they need to do in order to succeed in this course. Please address the following: 1) Why study World Literature? What are the important themes/lessons you can take away from this course? How might what you learn in World Literature prepare you for life? 2) What do students need to do to be successful in this class? 3) Explain to the future student what they will be learning, and be specific: What is the best unit? What is the best project? What will you be learning? 4) What else, generally, do students need to know about this course/teacher before they begin? Use this sheet, front and back, and attach an additional paper if needed.