While the audience is gathering. During breaks etc While the audience is gathering. During breaks etc. Simple messages can be added in bold and white letters on the dark blue sea, eg. ”Welcome!”, ”Back at 15.15”
Release Notes 2018-05-23 Created
HOW-TO Use Service Registry Excel Tool to check Your Service Instance registration in MCP-MSR This HOW-TO describes how to use the Service Registry Excel Tool to check your service instance registration in MCP Service Registry. The Service Registry Excel Tool also contain support to search in MSR REST API. The excel file is macro enabled and the curl.exe need to be located in same folder. DISCLAIMER! The VBA code is made only for test purpose and is not documented, nor reviewed and not according to normal standard for products.
Terminology Service Registry SR Catalogue of information about services. Core service in MCP Maritime Connectivity Platform MCP A set of applications for handling identities, certificates and service information that constitutes a service oriented platform for secure digital exchange of information on internet. Service An action, or set of actions that provides support or work for someone. The set of actions can be fully automated or incude manual work. XML XSD
References Service Registry Excel Tool https://service.projectplace.com/pp/pp.cgi/r1382990706
Service Registry Excel Tool SHEET Description Guidelines Defined “rules” to check against. Check is executed each time the sheet is activated (selected), or manually started TEST Services in MCP TEST Press “Update” to make a new search STAGING Services in MCP STAGING Select sheet Guidelines to execute check PRODUCTION Services in MCP PRODUCTION Search “Interface” for search in MCP Service Registry REST API SearchResult The result from search Enumerations Support to Search page Report Just a sandbox for copy and paste
Guidelines Contains the check criterias in Service Registry. Check is executed each time the sheet is activated, or when button “Check” is pressed. The result from the CHECK is indicated here in red, but also the specific cell in STAGING and PRODUCTION.
TEST Contains service instances in MCP TEST. Is manually updated by pressing button “Update”. No check against guidelines is made. MCP TEST is mainly used to test new versions of MCP and in early development of services.
STAGING Contains service instances in MCP STAGING. Is manually updated by pressing button “Update”. When page “Guideline” is selected, CHECK is executed and cells not according to check criteria are marked in red. MCP STAGING is mainly used to test services before entered in MCP PRODUCTION, and it’s used as main environment for SIMULATION (service status=“simulated”).
PRODUCTION Contains service instances in MCP PRODUCTION. Is manually updated by pressing button “Update”. When page “Guideline” is selected, CHECK is executed and cells not according to check criteria are marked in red. MCP PRODUCTION is used as the operational environment for maritime services, and it’s the main infrastructure for services in STM Live Testbed.
Search Contains an human interface to the REST API for search for services in MCP/MSR. Set filter parameters in column B and press button “Search”. Select environment in C4. The executed REST call with CURL is shown in B32 + B33. The query can be changed manually and executed by pressing button “Run the query”. Result is presented in page SearchResult
SearchResult Contain the result from Search