Archetype Project
Expectations You must choose an accurate archetype and provide an explanation of why your character fits 3 quotes with MLA citation that prove your character is the chosen archetype Choose an symbol that represents your character as he/she fits their archetype and explain its relevance Tweet from the perspective of your character and archetype from Act II Think of other movies, tv shows, and literature, list 3 other examples of your chosen archetype Name and archetype must be listed
Characters Romeo AND Juliet Romeo Juliet Tybalt Benvolio Mercutio YOUR GROUP will be assigned a character, and from there, you will decide which archetype your character matches. While some characters may fit more than one archetype, there are wrong answers. Romeo AND Juliet Romeo Juliet Tybalt Benvolio Mercutio Friar Lawrence Nurse
Character Name Archetype Define your archetype Ex: What makes a “temptress” a temptress Explain how your character fits your archetype Ex: What “temptress” behavior does your character exhibit Choose appropriate colors EX: a devil figure wouldn’t be decorated in pink glitter Your poster must be neat, easy to read, and creative. Draw a Symbol That represents your character as it connects to the archetype 3 quotes that proves your character is your chosen archetype Explain your symbol Create a tweet that your character may have tweeted during Act III of the play List 3 characters from another source that fit the same archetype as your character.
Rubric Accurate archetype and explanation…………………………….....25p 3 quotes with MLA citation………………………………………...25p Appropriate symbol and explanation………………………………25p Relevant Act III tweet……………………………………………………….10p 3 other examples of archetype……………………………………..10p Name and archetype listed………………………………....................5p Total 100 points