The Decline of Communism


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Presentation transcript:

The Decline of Communism 1979-1991 The Decline of Communism

Failure of Detente: Afghanistan Dec. 1979: Soviets invaded Afghanistan Failure of containment and Detente US supported the Mujahideen (training & weapons) Afghanistan became the USSR’s “Vietnam” Unable to succeed, the Soviets withdrew in 1989

Enter: Reagan Nov. 1979: Ronald Reagan elected President Boycott 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow (over Afghanistan) 1983:Called the Soviet Union an “Evil Empire” 1983: US invaded Grenada to undo a “communist” coup. Supported Central American regimes threatened by communist guerillas. 1983- SDI (Star Wars) KAL 007: Soviets shot down a Korean 747

Cracks in the Iron Curtain SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT 1980 Poland’s economy was in ruin, workers went on strike against high prices & shortages. The USSR jailed strike leaders, but the US secretly supported the workers OLD TIMERS PARADE 1982 Brezhnev dies, succeeded by Andropov (1.5 years) and Chernenko (1 year) both died in office. 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev, a young reformer takes power

GORBACHEV SUMMITS 1985- Geneva: first meeting, “get to know you” GLASNOST (openness) A reform of government controls over free speech and an attempt at transparency PERISTROIKA (economic restructuring) restructuring of the economy, a reform of broken systems and priorities. SUMMITS 1985- Geneva: first meeting, “get to know you” 1986- Reykjavik: Did not go well, but seen as the foundation for the Intermediate Range-Nuclear Forces Treaty, signed in Washington in 1987. Comments From Reagan 1987- In Berlin: “Mr. Gorbechev, tear down this wall!” 1988- When asked about Russia being an “Evil Empire”, he declares, “That was another time, another place.”

The Bloc Crumbles Jan 1989: Baltic states (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia) declare aim of independence, protests since 1985 . June 1989- Free Elections in Poland- no support of communists (1st non-Communist gov’t in Eastern Bloc). Oct 1989- Hungary changes its constitution, allowing multiple parties. Oct 1989- In the face of rising opposition in East Germany, Erich Honecker is forced out. Open uprisings spread throughout the Eastern bloc. Nov-Dec 1989- Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia (peaceful strikes) Dec 1989- Romanian Revolution (much more bloody than Czech.) June 1989- Tiananmen Square: An exciting sign of change in another Communist regime, but when it was brutally put down, it cast a shadow on the fate of changes in Eastern Europe.

The Wall Falls Nov 9- following ongoing protests, the opening of E. German borders is prematurely announced. Gathering crowds breached the wall.

The End of An Empire 1990-91 1990: Baltic States declare independence. Oct. 3, 1990: E&W Germany unified 1991: Warsaw Pact dissolved Jan. 1991: Hardliners in Moscow send Soviet troops to crush Baltic protests, but after some clashes the military withdraws & Gorbachev denounces the fighting. August Coup in Moscow- Hardliners try to isolate Gorbachev. Boris Yeltsin leads the people to oppose the hardliners, and the coup collapses. Dec 25- 1991- Gorbachev resigns, the Soviet Union is dissolved; Bush announces end of the Cold War By Dec 31, all Soviet institutions ceased operations.