Spread of islam: dbq Are your classroom colors different than what you see in this template? That’s OK! Click on Design -> Variants (the down arrow) -> Pick the color scheme that works for you! Feel free to change any “You will…” and “I will…” statements to ensure they align with your classroom procedures and rules!
Agenda – 10/24 Watch Islam crash course Almost finished recording myself lecture over ch 5 – will post online hopefully tomorrow! Start: spread of Islam DBQ project
Unity in Islam Because Muhammad (and the four “rightly guided caliphs” after him) was a religious leader, a political leader, and a military commander, religion and politics are tied in Islam The caliph is the political AND religious leader. Islam unites people in the area it spreads – so the community of Muslims (the Ummah) views itself as one united group of believers The areas to which Islam spread become known as the “dar-al-Islam” or “House of Islam”
So… why did Islam spread so quickly throughout the Postclassical Era? Let’s examine factors that contributed to the spread of Islam!
Spread of Islam DBQ project Hey! This is for a major grade! Rather than writing a whole DBQ, you will be responsible for analyzing and organizing documents You also must write a historical context introduction and a thesis statement But… you can work in groups! Max of three people. Choose your groups wisely, as your member’s grade of you will be incorporated into your final grade for the project Due: end of class on FRIDAY
FAQ: “What are we doing?” Read the blue sheet from yesterday. If you’re still confused, come ask me! “What’s the prompt?” Read the background information! It’s in italics at the end of that! “What’s a SPICE theme?” Social, Political, Int. Between Humans and the Environment, Culture, and Economics “Do I have to use those themes?” Nope! But I like them because they’re general. If you want to get more specific and say “trade” instead of “economics,” you can! “But a lot of these can be in multiple categories” I know! It’s up to you to choose which category you think is best. There are multiple right answers here. “How many themes do I need?” At least three “What else needs to be on the poster?” A historical context introduction and an analytical thesis statement “Is there extra credit?” Yes, check the blue sheet “What’s intended audience/perspective?” For one of the primary source documents, consider the author’s perspective or intended audience, and how that might impact what is being said and how it’s being said. This can be three or four sentences, and can be added at the bottom of the poster. “When’s this due?” Friday at the end of class And yes, this is for a MAJOR GRADE.