Section 4 Independence!
Section 4.4 - The Big Ideas Patriots faced many problems in the South Patriots finally defeated British at Battle of Yorktown War ended when British and Americans officially signed Treaty of Paris 1783 When War spread to the Southern Colonies, the British were finally defeated
War in the South The British Govt. not happy w/how the war had gone so far in the North so they decided to take their fight to the South Fighting in the South was more brutal b/c it was American patriots vs. American loyalists There were many more loyalists in the South - easier to find men willing to join the redcoats - Georgia, Carolinas, Virginia B.A. General Clinton freed Africans and enlist them as B.A. soldiers
War in the South 1778-1780 The B.A. scored early with 3 major wins in Southern battles Georgia was the last colony to join the Revolution but first to fall to the British in 1778 May 1780 - Charleston is handed over to British - one of their biggest victories and major ships, prisoners, etc., lost by Patriots Southern Patriots engaged in swift hit-snd-run attacks known as Guerrilla Warfare Francis Marion organized Marion’s Brigade and was best at this attack; B.A. could not catch him - known as Swamp Fox
Battle of Yorktown Patriots disorganized, low on money, foreign help had not brought quick end to War B.A. held most of South, capital of Philadelphia, and NY City Patriots ran into more trouble when one of their generals, Benedict Arnold, turned traitor & joined w/ the Redcoats Washington is still in control of the C.A. & Cornwallis is in control of the B.A. B.A. moves to Yorktown to get close to rest of B.A. Navy
Washington tells his general to take his men plus another 4,000 men supplied by France and block off all of Cornwallis’ escape routes French Commander Comte de Rochambeau and G.W. led the French-American force down from NY to help out their fellow soldiers in Virginia Washington’s men & the men already there totaled 16,000 They had Cornwallis blocked in on land & the French Navy had him blocked in on sea
Yorktown - Oct 19, 1781 - The Revolutionary War ends The British tried to fight Cornwallis realized he was surrounded and on 10/19/1781, he surrendered! Sent a drummer w/a White Flag of surrender to GW’s camp The patriots took more than 8,000 British soldiers prisoner Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the American Revolution
The Treaty of Paris Britain entered peace talks w/ U.S. Talks were led by Ben Franklin The Treaty of Paris was signed by both sides in 1783 & Great Britain recognized the independence of the United States Set America’s borders, our right to settle and trade West of the original 13 Colonies Separate treaty gave Florida to Spain Patriot soldiers returned home as heroes and victorious in the war!
A Thank You General George Washington told his troops, as they returned to their homes and families, that the courage of the soldiers and civilians had made America’s victory possible - “I...wish that your latter days be as prosperous as your former ones have been glorious.”