Online Grant Application Lunch and Learn
Agenda Introductions Grant Program Overview Grant Guidelines, Timelines, and Grant Reports Online Applications
The Keokuk Area Community Foundation Established in October 2004, The Keokuk Area Community Foundation receives charitable gifts from donors, individuals, families, businesses, and corporations to establish permanent endowments. Income from our Endowments is used to fund grants. Serving Lee County, Hancock County and Clark County. We have distributed over $1,000,000 in grants. Nationally Certified Community Foundation by the National Council of Community Foundations. 16th in State of Iowa. Endow Iowa Tax Credits. Recipient of the County Endowment Fund Program.
Organization Eligibility The Community Foundation will consider grant requests from 501(c)(3) organizations. Government entities for public and charitable purposes. Religious organizations as defined in 170(b)(1)(A) of IRS Code. Requests must fall within the following interest areas: Arts & Culture Community Betterment Education Health Human Services Capital and Program Projects Program: Funding for a specific activity or program that the charitable organization wants to achieve. Capital: Infrastructure repairs, and new equipment etc…
Grant Proposals Not Funded Endowment or scholarship funds. Annual fund drives or annual giving campaigns-to reduce or erase a budget deficit or any form of a debt reduction campaign. Capital Campaign Projects are acceptable. Grants for political campaigns or organizations that directly or indirectly participate in a State, Local or National campaigns for any political party or cause. Requests for specific sectarian religious purposes (however, requests from religious organizations will be considered for general community and humanitarian programs). Capital Projects are usually granted to religious organizations.
Grant Guidelines Last year we gave a workshop regarding writing an effective grant proposal, you can view that presentation at Application Review Applications reviewed by volunteer Grant Committee made of Board Members. Grant Committee Members sign a conflict of interest. Final approval by The Keokuk Area Community Foundation Board of Directors. Recurring grants for the same program are accepted. No grants for programs, projects or purchases that were completed prior to grant funds being awarded. Grants are for a period of one year. Grant Reports If awarded a Grant, you must complete a Grant Report the following year BEFORE you apply for new funding again. Online form with deadlines.
Lee County Charitable Fund Grant Committee Board made up of Lee County volunteers. $100,000 will awarded in grants. Grant Cycle: February 1, 2019 - May 13, 2019. Open to Lee County nonprofit organizations only. Proposals up to $5,000 in funding accepted. Apply at
Keokuk Area Community Foundation Grant Fund The Grant Fund Endowment. Grant Cycle: July 1, 2019 – September 13, 2019. Open to Lee County, Hancock County and Clark County 501 C 3 organizations. Proposals up to $5,000 accepted. Apply at
Lee County Youth Services, Inc. Agency Fund of The Keokuk Area Community Foundation. Grant Cycle: August 1, 2019 – October 1, 2019. Separate Board of Directors make decisions on grants. Funding amounts vary. Apply at Grants are awarded to Lee County charitable organizations who specialize in YOUTH programs. Grants MUST benefit youth ages 6-19.
Online Grant Applications Starting in 2019, all Keokuk Area Community Foundation Grant Applications will be all online. The questions and application requirements remain the same as previous grant applications. This year’s grant application is essentially a test-if there are mistakes, we will always try to improve.
Steps to Apply for a LCCF Grant Go to Read the 2019 Lee County Charitable Interests Read the 2019 Lee County Charitable Fund Grant Guidelines Submit a Grant Report (if your organization previously received a grant from The Lee County Charitable Fund) Read and download the 2019 Lee County Charitable Fund Preparation Questions Prepare additional documents for upload within the 2019 Lee County Charitable Fund Application *Total Project Budget (Optional) *Budget Narrative (explaining unusual or uncommon circumstances, optional) *Current IRS Determination Letter (Required) *Letters of Support (Optional 3 maximum, useful for newer projects and as evidence of collaborative activities) 6. Start the 2019 Lee County Charitable Fund Grant Application
Online Application Disadvantages The biggest DISADVANTAGE to our new online Grant Application program, is that grant applicant will not be able to STOP an application if the application it is not completed. YOU CANNOT SAVE the application if it is not completed. You have to ANSWER all the questions to successfully submit your application. If you do not ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS, you will lose all your work. If you finish the online grant application, you CANNOT GO BACK and edit the application. If EDITS need to be made, you can CALL not EMAIL ME, to make changes.
Preparation Questions The questions and applications requirements remain the same as previous grant applications. In your folder are the Preparation Questions of Lee County Charitable Fund Grant Application. Preparation questions can also be found at Use the Preparation Questions as guide. Write your answers on separate Word Doc, then copy and paste them to the online grant application.
Step 1: Go to www. leecountycharitablefund Step 1: Go to then CLICK on the 2019 Grant Application. Click to Start!
Grant Guidelines present throughout the whole application. Application Sections Red Means Required Entry Step 2: This is the beginning of the application. Remember you cannot start and save. You can only go to another section, if all the requires are complete.
Step 3: Additional Documents for Upload Upload in PDF. MAKE SURE YOUR ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS ARE IN PDF FORMAT. Step 3: Additional Documents for Upload (within the 2019 Lee County Charitable Fund Application) Total Project Budget (Optional) Budget Narrative (explaining unusual or uncommon circumstances, optional) Current IRS Determination Letter (Required) Letters of Support (Optional 3 maximum, useful for newer projects and as evidence of collaborative activities) Additional Documents can also be emailed to
Budget, Authorization and Submitting Please show a list of the expenses anticipated for the project. Attaching a budget is strongly recommended, but optional. I have read and understand the grant guidelines as part of this application. I also understand that when a grant check is cashed, my organization is obligated to use it for the purpose given in this application. \The signature must be from the CEO, Executive Director or a Principal/Superintendent of your organization! Application is 100% complete if you see this message After submitting, a copy of the application will be sent to the CONTACT EMAIL. If EDITS need to be made after submission, you can CALL not EMAIL ME, to make changes