Horseshoe crab Video Horseshoe Crab Video
Phylum Arthropoda Class Crustacea Organisms that are Crustaceans: Barnacles Krill Shrimp, crabs and lobsters Horseshoe crabs
Anatomical Structures Segmented Body Bilaterally Symmetrical Jointed appendages Chitinous Exoskeleton made of CaCO3 2 Pair of Antennae
Barnacles -Small Crustaceans Attach to surface Plated- heavy CaCO3 Upper plate opens Filter feeder- Uses legs to filter water
Krill Planktonic Shrimp-like Filter Feeders School in the billions
Large Crustaceans- sub class Decopoda 5 pairs walking legs 1st heavier Pinchers Obtain Food and Defense Shell- Carapace 2 sections Cephalothorax - Head and Legs Abdomen – Swimmerettes and Tail
Shrimp and Lobster Elongated Abdomen Shrimp and lobsters are scavengers
Crayfish Related to the lobster Both marine and freshwater
Crabs Compact, Broad Cephalothorax Moves – Side to side Scavengers
How can you tell males from females? Male –Flat V shaped plate Female –Expanded U shaped plates To carry eggs
Horseshoe-shaped carapace 5 pairs of legs Horseshoe Crab Living Fossils Live in shallow water Horseshoe-shaped carapace 5 pairs of legs