AGENDA What are FANBOYS and how can they improve my writing? -Mentor Text: “Hands” -Slam Poetry Video, “Hands” -FANBOYS: another way to lengthen syntax, and grammar rules (circle all the punctuation) -Revisit, “Hands” and her use of FANBOYS. -Poetry Write, “My Hands” (mimic poem) -Closing: share your best line and use of a FANBOYS
WN Prompt… “HANDS” Look at, and describe your hands. USE IMAGERY, be descriptive and detailed…
SLAM POETRY, “HANDS” Let listen to a slam poem, and then read it as a mentor text… WN Response: Hand Map…What are things that identify you…
FANBOYS—GRAMMAR What are FANBOYS? See my paragraph…fix it and we will discuss… FANBOYS are words used to combine two complete, but SIMPLE sentences. Example: I write about my life. I use my dog and husband for inspiration. I write about my life, so I use my dog and husband for inspiration.
WHAT ARE FANBOYS? Words used to combine two complete, but simple sentences together. F-for, A-and, N-nor, B-but, O-or, Y-yet, S-so.
GRAMMAR RULES 1. FANBOYS need a comma ONLY if they are combining two complete sentences together. Example: I write and read. I write, and read. (looks goofy, am I right, or am I right!)
GRAMMAR RULES CON’D 1. FANBOYS need a comma ONLY if they are combining two complete sentences together. 2. They make syntax longer and complex, so they are a good thing! ***Beware getting too “comma happy”
GRAMMAR NOTES Reason Addition Not Contrast Options Outcome Result FANBOYS-they are connecting words, and usually need a comma! For: And: Nor: But: Or: Yet: So: Chart Directions: Create three different sentences, pick three of the FANBOYS! Circle the FANBOYS! Review… Reason Addition Not Contrast Options Outcome Result
THEY CAN BE USED… 1. To create longer, more complex syntax 2. To fix run-on sentences; give your reader a chance to breath! Example: I really like to sleep in so snow days are the best day to nap and relax.
APPLICATION Now, pick something from your hand map and write about it. Use FANBOYS and AWUBS!!
CLOSING Look back through your journal and find another passage. Did you use an AWUBS or FANBOYS incorrectly? Fix them!