The process of working toward something you want to accomplish. GOAL SETTING
Why do we need to set goals?
BENEFITS OF SETTING GOALS Help you identify what you want out of life. Help you use your time, energy, and other resources wisely. An acceptable way of gaining attention. Your peers may admire your success and be inspired to set and achieve their own goals. Goals can help you shape your future, They give you a sense of purpose and help you make good decisions. Reaching your goals can help you with your self confidence also.
Specific and Realistic goals!
Goals that you want to achieve in three months or less. SHORT-TERM GOALS Goals that you want to achieve in three months or less. Examples: Stop drinking soda for 2 months Get 8 hours of sleep a night Hold your breath for 30 sec. Get an A in science this term. Put application into lagoon. Get Ms. Myers project done by Friday. Be sexy for 2 weeks.
Goals that take over more than three months to achieve. LONG-TERM GOALS Goals that take over more than three months to achieve. Examples: Attend an ivy league college Play college football Meet johnny depp Make HS girls varsity soccer team Be a doctor Be a dermatologist Get a scholarship to the U!
(write the steps down in your books) How to set a good goal??? (write the steps down in your books) Set a realistic and specific goal and write it down. List the steps you need to take to reach that goal Find others who can help and support you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Set checkpoints to evaluate your progress Reward yourself after reaching the goal