Detail # 3
Detail # 3 When he ran, he even loved the pain, the hurt of the running, the burning of his lungs and the spasm that sometimes gripped his calves. He loved it because he knew he could endure the pain, and even go beyond it. He had never pushed himself to the limit but he felt all this reserve and strength inside of him: more than strength actually -- determination. And it sang in him as he ran, his heart pumping blood joyfully through his body. Robert Cormier, The Chocolate War
Detail # 3 1. What is the main idea (topic sentence) or focus of this paragraph? State it as simply as you can. How do the details of this paragraph support the main idea?
Detail # 3 2. The details in the first sentence describe the physical sensation of pain. The next three sentences, however, focus on another characteristic of pain. What is the other characteristic of pain? How do the details of the last three sentences help the reader understand the other characteristic of pain.
Now You Try Write a simple topic sentence about something you love to do. Then list all of the details you can think of that would help someone else understand why you love what you do. Share your sentence with a partner. Have your partner explain to you why you love what you do. If your list is full of vivid details, your partner should be able to do this easily.