4/8 Brain Teaser 24
4/8 Cell Test Seating Chart
4/8 Class Business Unit 5 DNA starts Thursday Quiz #11 on Friday Intro to DNA Unit 4 Extra Credit due Monday, April 13th Find an article on genetics or genetic disease and write a half page summary/opinion on the article. Print out the article and staple your half sheet to the article.
4/8 Agenda Brain Teaser Class Business Connections page Unit 4 Test
Main theme of the Evolution Unit Main theme of the Cell Unit Pg. 46 Connections EVOLUTION Main theme of the Evolution Unit (1-2 sentences) CELLS Main theme of the Cell Unit (1-2 sentences) Connections: How do the evolution unit and cell unit relate to one another, build upon one another and strengthen one another's material. (5-10 sentences)
NAME ON YOUR TEST AND SCANTRON Cell Test Direction: Silently and independently complete the cell test. Be sure to answer every question and try your best! Grab a calculator and pencil if needed! Time: 75 minutes Noise: 0 (silence) NAME ON YOUR TEST AND SCANTRON
Unit 4 Extra Credit due Monday, April 13th Find an article on genetics or genetic disease and write a half page summary/opinion on the article. Print out the article and staple your half sheet to the article.