Sponge: Edit and revise this paragraph. In the Crucible, Salem is a town built from Protestantism: a form of strictly based government made of religious laws. The laws creates a society of conservative formality—where women have limited rights , and “natural” human behavior can be considered “unnatural” such as dancing in the woods ; shown in Act I in the Crucible where Tituba , Abigail and the girls are in the woods dancing and gets caught by Local Minister, Reverend Paris. Just like Reverend Paris confines the girls in their “act”, Edward and his dedicated staff and reporter Joseph Weshba discredit schemes to crusade to detect communist beliefs within the government. The intolerance is demonstrated in both society because; both societies are not willing to look beyond one belief , they do not want to open eyes to what can or cannot be the truth, they fail to understand individuality amongst people.
Sample Revised Version In The Crucible, Salem is a town built from Protestantism: a form of strictly based government made of religious laws. The law creates a society of conservative formality—where women have limited rights, and “natural” human behavior can be considered “unnatural.” An example would be when Tituba, Abigail, and the girls are caught dancing in the woods by Reverend Parris. Just as Reverend Paris discovers the girls in their unlawful behavior, McCarthy and the Un-American Activities Committee claimed to discover people committing unlawful acts in the 1950s.
Begin reading The Crucible Today, you will finish Act 1. Complete the character chart as you read. Here are the parts for today if you are willing to read aloud. They are listed in order of most lines to least: Narrator (reads all of the prose—you may want to split this role) Abigail Williams Rev. Parris John Proctor Rebecca Nurse Putnam Mrs. Putnam Giles Corey Betty Parris Tituba