Bellringer: March 3 “The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jet-like speed toward the goal of political independence, and we still creep at horse and buggy pace toward the gaining of a cup of coffee at a lunch counter.” A. How does his use of parallel structure create an effective comparison? B. What might be his purpose in using this comparison here?
Reading “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Your task is read with your partner out loud. Switch after each paragraph grouping (after each set of questions). Section 3 – Let me show you how those should read on the actual document – there’s something more amiss here. Vocabulary terms are listed on the bulletin board – all are FAIR game (ethos, logos, pathos, rebuttal, concession, counterargument, bias, hidden agenda, logical fallacy)
Reading Goals Use reading guide to help analyze King’s approach. Evaluate his use of ethos, logos, and pathos to see if his piece is more persuasive or argumentative. Prepare to answer the question: How does MLK employ ethos, logos, and pathos in “A Letter From Birmingham Jail” to construct his message? Here’s another LONGER video which incorporates both “A Call for Unity” and “Letter from Birmingham Jail” if you need some help at home: Univerity of Texas at Austin's video Reading Goals
Discussion: How does King create his ethos for his intended audience? Why can he not rely on his credentials and leadership roles? How does King create a logical argument throughout his response? How does King use pathos effectively? (not too much, not too little)
PLANNING YOUR RESPONSE RACE it R – READ THE QUESTION!!! What is it asking you do it. A – ANSWER THE QUESTION!!! Be sure to read and understand any additional explanations given which will help you earn a stellar grade. C – CITE EXAMPLES!!!! Plan out your strongest examples from throughout the text. Don’t only give examples which your teacher used. E – EXPLAIN THE EXAMPLES!!!! Be sure to explain your thinking for how each example helps you answer the question. Don’t only repeat what the quotation means. PSSTTT – CSET components ARE embedded here!!
Answer the lesson question: How does MLK employ ethos, logos, and pathos in “A Letter From Birmingham Jail” to construct his message?