Today is Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Homework: Read Chapter 8, Lesson 3 Warm Up: With your FACE PARTNER, discuss some different types of severe weather patterns you can think of.
Goal for Today SWBAT demonstrate the ability to analyze types of severe weather patterns by comparing and contrasting causes and structures.
Severe Weather
Thunderstorms Generally form in 3 Stages (with Thunderhead Cloud – Cumulonimbus) We see lightning due to negative charges at the bottom of the cloud and positive on the ground – static electricity builds and “breaks free”, trying to get to the ground Hear thunder due to rapidly expanding air as electricity rips it apart.
Stage 1 Developing Stage
Stage 2 Mature Stage
Stage 3 Dissipating Stage
Let’s see….. What Tim and Moby have to say about it!!!!!
Tornadoes Layers of wind blowing at different speeds and/or directions, creating a column of air spinning (like “a log on its side”) Upward winds lift one end up and downward winds push the other end down Funnel cloud is a vertical spinning column of air. When it touches ground, it becomes a tornado!!!!! Winds are hundreds of kilometers per hour
Tim and Moby?
Hurricanes Get their energy from warm ocean water As water evaporates from the ocean, it rises as warm air and forms clouds If air pressure is low enough, this warm air mass will naturally start to spin As this continues, speed builds Winds aren’t as fast as tornadoes, but is more destructive. Why do you think it might be more destructive?
Anything from…. Tim and Moby on Hurricanes?????
Closing it up…. Tell your shoulder partner (or 3 person group) how ONE TYPE of severe weather we talked about today forms.