Digestion Mr. Sason Biology 1
Break into your groups and send a member to get a whiteboard and markers for a placemat activity.
Divide your whiteboard into sections like the example below
Come up with an individual and group response to the following series of questions on your whiteboard.
Copy your group consensus onto a separate sheet of paper Copy your group consensus onto a separate sheet of paper. You will need this later.
Discussion Question 1: What is digestion?
Please share your thoughts with the class.
Definitions Digestion - the process of breaking down food into simpler parts. Most of the food we eat must be digested into more basic parts so that it can be absorbed into the body and used within the body. Digestion involves mechanical and chemical processes. An enzyme is a protein that speeds up a chemical reaction; digestive enzymes speed up the breakdown of a food.
Discussion Question 2: How does digestion of food occur in the body?
Please share your thoughts with the class.
Discussion Question 3: How are nutrients absorbed and distributed throughout the body?
Distribution of Nutrients Only blood takes nutrients to the body, and blood can only carry nutrients as individual molecules. All nutrients in food have to be broken down into a liquid.
Please share your thoughts with the class.
Discussion Question 4: How are fats, proteins, and carbohydrates broken down inside the digestive tract?
Please share your thoughts with the class.
Here’s a video that will help explain the process of digestion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM5kMSjBrmw
Review your groups answers from earlier Review your groups answers from earlier. Discuss how your answers have changed after watching the video.
The Questions What is digestion? How does digestion of food occur in the body? How are absorbed and distributed throughout the body? How are fats, proteins, and carbohydrates broken down inside the digestive tract?
Please share your thoughts with the class Please share your thoughts with the class. On your white board, compare and contrast your thinking before and after watching the video.
Clean up and put away all materials Clean up and put away all materials. Take out a piece of paper for an exit slip.
Describe the two types of digestion that food undergoes and give an example of each.
Digestion Mr. Sason Biology 1
Review from yesterday (Be prepared to explain your reasoning) How are foods digested? What are the two types of digestion? Where does nutrient absorption occur? How do we absorb nutrients from food?
Break into your groups and send a member to the back of the room to collect the materials for todays exploration activity.
Clean up and put away all materials Clean up and put away all materials. Take out a piece of paper for an exit slip.
Explain why folded paper towels absorb more water Explain why folded paper towels absorb more water. Why must we chew our food before swallowing?