Bellwork in your Science notebook: Types of Clouds Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Stratocumulus Nimbus 1.Thunder clouds- 2.If these clouds grow thicker, they produce rain or snow. 3.Puffy white clouds 4.These clouds signal fair weather. 5.Thin,wispy clouds
Group work Activity:Weather factors Questions: 1 Group work Activity:Weather factors Questions: 1.What are the factors affecting the weather? 2. Which provides heat to earth and causes its atmosphere to heats up? 3.Why does the temperature of air differs from place to place? 4. What causes the pressure of the air to vary or change? 5. Write True or False for each statement given below: a.Different places on Earth receive same amount of heat. b.Weather happens due to the interaction of heat,air pressure,wind and moisture. c.Weather is the condition of the air surrounding the Earth. d.Moving air is called wind.
Cloze test: Use the word or words below to complete the sea and land breeze concept. day night lower higher high low heats up cools down sea land sinks rises A sea breeze blows from the ocean over the land during the day, whereas a land breeze blows from the land to the ocean during the night. In the 1.____, the sun heats up the 2.___ faster, and so the air above the land has a 3.l___ pressure than the air over the sea. This causes a breeze from the 4.___ pressure air over the sea towards the 5.____ pressure air over the land. This is a 6.___ breeze. At 7.____ time, the air above the land 8.______ faster than the air above the sea. This means that the air above the land now has a 9.____ pressure because cold air 10_____. So the wind will blow from the 11._____ pressure air above the land to the 12.____ pressure air above the sea. This is a 13._____ breeze.
Fill in the blanks below with words from this box: Homework Enrichment Activity:In a loose-leaf paper, answer the cloze test on condensation of the water cycle. Fill in the blanks below with words from this box: evaporation evaporates heating droplets runoff rain sunny clouds heavy plants snow rivers precipitate vapor oceans hail cycle streams condenses atmosphere lakes glaciers crystals Condensation As the water vapor rises, it cools off and ______________________ into water _________________. If the water vapor becomes extremely cold, it will form ice ________________ instead of water droplets. As the water droplets or ice crystals grow bigger and more numerous, they form ___________________.