Rooms should be arranged into three groups with butcher paper covering the tables. The facilitator should have the questions on the tables. Have markers on the table so participants can record their thoughts. PLEASE ASK EACH PARTICIPANT TO INTRODUCE THEMSELVES AND TELL THEIR ASSIGNMENT. Welcome to World Cafe
What is a World Café? A discussion protocol designed to focus groups on key questions. A way to collect feedback from participants in a safe holding environment. An opportunity to work in small groups and see and hear the discussion of others. Explain that a holding environment is a figurative safe place to raise questions, debate, and to share openly with other participants. Encourage participants to be open to all ideas and this is a time to begin discussions around some important questions.
Process Make sure you are seated in _______ groups. Each group will identify a host or hostess. The host/hostess remains at the table throughout the session. The host will share the discussion from the previous group(s) each time a new group comes to the table. The host should not spend more than five minutes to summarize the previous group’s thoughts so 15 minutes can be used to generate new thoughts.
Process Each table will have a different question to discuss. Participants are encouraged to capture their thoughts by writing/drawing them on the paper covering their table. Table sessions will be ________in length including time for the summary. After the _____ minute session, participants will move to the next group to hear a summary of the previous discussion, address a new question, and to add their thoughts to the paper. After each group has addressed all ___ questions, participants will return to the original table. Encourage them to capture their thoughts on paper. Watch for groups that seem to be having a lot of dialogue but are not writing. Remind them if it is not on the paper it cannot be shared with the next group.
Process When each group returns to their original table, their host/hostess will summarize the discussions of the three groups that visited the table. The group at each table will then discuss and come to consensus to select _____ “pearls of wisdom” that they feel are most important to the question. The four pearls should be circled.
Debrief Have each table group present their question to the entire group and share the _____ “pearls of wisdom” Ask for any clarification or discussion Repeat until each table has had the opportunity to report out. Collect all “pearls of wisdom” either electronically or as an exit ticket.