Be respectful. Be responsible. Be successful.


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Presentation transcript:

Be respectful. Be responsible. Be successful. 8th Grade Language Arts Course Syllabus 2018-2019 ……………………………………………………………………………...…………. Contact Information Ms. Sidney Cook Conference period-  8:45-9:35 Mrs. Amy McKinney Email- Conference period- 3:25 – 4:15 Mrs. Melissa Rabinowitz Email- Conference period- 2:35 – 3:20 ELA Website- Course description Eighth grade Language Arts is a comprehensive and in-depth study of literature, grammar, writing, and vocabulary. These areas are reviewed and studied individually and holistically through a wide variety of rigorous activities and strategies designed to challenge and prepare students for classes in high school. ……………………………………………………………………………...……………. …………………………… Supplies Assignments and Grading The supply list for all subjects is located on our school website: 40% Major Grades ………………………… 60% Daily Grades ……………………………………………………………………………...…………….. Expectations Tutorials Tutorials are available every morning from 8:15-8:35. Students are encouraged to attend tutoring to receive extra instruction on struggling concepts or homework or to help stay accountable with assignments. All Major Test Retakes, missed assessments/homework, or missed in-class graded assignments MUST be taken care of ASAP during morning tutorials. Be respectful. Be responsible. Be successful. …………………………………..

Policies Be respectful. Responsible. successful. Course Syllabus 2018-2019 ……………………………………………………………………………...……… Late/makeup work policy 1 class period late = 15 point deduction 2 class periods late= 30 point deduction 3 class periods late= 45 point deduction 4 or more days late= score of ZERO Students are responsible for collecting their own make-up work when absent! Make-up work will be given during tutorial sessions ONLY. Make-up work will NOT be given during the class period Students who miss school work because of an absence shall be given the opportunity to complete all assignments and tests, but will still be held to the late work policy once the assignment is given. All tests/quizzes are given prior notice well in advance, therefore, if students have prior knowledge of the assessment, they will be expected to be prepared to take the test/quiz immediately upon their return. Technology We will be utilizing various resources to access the Internet to research, review material, and submit assignments. You must hold yourselves to high expectations when you use these resources. Your time must be spent well. Unless I specifically say that you may have your devices out, you must keep them put away at all times. If you are not following the district guidelines for device usage or the technology instructions for the day, your device will be taken and turned into the office. Failure to bring your school issued device charged to class each day will result in disciplinary action. ……………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Academic dishonesty All work that you submit must be your own work. You may not do any of the following: Turn in or copy someone else’s work. Copy someone’s work and change a few of the words. Copying words from a source without citing it and giving credit to the source. Attempt to use any notes on a closed-not assignment. Look at someone else’s work during an quiz, test, or otherwise individual assessment. If you are doing any of the above or anything else that constitutes cheating, you will receive a zero on that assignment, and you will be referred for discipline. Be respectful. Responsible. successful.