The Need For Psychological Science Unit 2 AP Psychology
Unit 1 Free Response Rubric Biological Perspective Must attribute Arianna’s behavior to brain chemistry, hormones, or genetic disposition. Evolutionary Perspective Must illustrate how Arianna’s behavior may have been linked to a survival advantage. Ex. Avoiding social crowds might have been a survival advantage for early humans, by reducing exposure to germs and violence.
Unit 1 Free Response Rubric Cont. Psychodynamic Perspective Would explain her behavior as a result of dealing with her father’s death at an early age (early childhood trauma), or behavior as a result of repressed or unconscious motives. Behavioral Perspective Must explain Arianna’s behavior through the principals of learning. Ex. Arianna’s studying increased as a result of being rewarded by teacher praise. Ex. She learned to avoid crowds to reduce stress
Unit 1 Free Response Rubric Cont. Cognitive Perspective Must explain Arianna’s behaviors as a result of how she interprets situations. Ex. Arianna interprets social crowds as dangerous and unsafe rather than fun and exciting. Humanistic Perspective Explain how obstacles in Arianna’s life have prevented her from reaching her true potential. (safety needs not met) Or .. Explain that Arianna is meeting her affiliative (belonging, acceptance needs) through the approval of her teachers.
Unit 1 Free Response Rubric Cont. Social Cultural Perspective Examine how interactions within the cultures Arianna belongs to influence her expectations about social situations. Ex. If her family or other cultural influences discourage her to attend social functions, that might influence her to continue to avoid those kind of events. Or, her family values academics over socialization.
The Need For Psychological Science Research Claims Activity Read the claim and quickly answer the prompts. Hindsight Bias I knew it all along phenomenon. Common sense more easily describes what HAS happened than what WILL happen.
True or False? If you want to teach a habit that persists, reward the desired behavior every time, not just occasionally. Traumatic experiences, such as abuse, are typically repressed. Most abused children do not become abusive adults. Lie detections tests often lie. Sometimes intuition, informed by countless casual observations, has it wrong. F T
Let’s try this! Solve the anagrams. WREAT WATER How long would it take to solve 3 anagrams? Make your prediction. ETRYN GRABE OCHSA Did hindsight influence you? OVERCONFIDENCE: We tend to be more Confident than Correct. Most people underestimate the time necessary to solve these anagrams (3 minutes)
Random Order Divide a piece of paper in half. On one side generate and record a list of heads or tails. (20 times) On the other side, actually flip a coin and record the 20 flips of the coin. HHHTTT HTTHTH HHHHHH Which sequence is most likely? In actual random sequences, patterns and streaks occur more often than people expect.
The Scientific Attitude How do the scientific attitude’s three main components relate to critical thinking? Let’s engage in some telepathic communication to explore this question…
The Scientific Attitude How should we perceive the ability to correctly identify the card that was picked? “To believe with certainty, we must begin by doubting.” What are the 3 main components of critical thinking? Curiosity, Skepticism, Humility