Survival Skills Bell Work What does Survival Mean?? What does it take to survive?? “Survival is the challenge of staying alive….. Survival is Staying alive- anywhere, anytime- at home, office, hiking, climbing, swimming, boating, eating, flying, driving, sleeping and doing anything else people do.” Surviving the unexpected wilderness emergency – Gene Fear
5 Body enemies Your mind- attitude, fears, imagination, Panic Environmental hazards (rain, snow) Dehydration Body Temperature (High & Low) No energy Before these body enemies set in S.T.O.P. !!!
STOP Sit…Sit down and get control of mind & situation Think…Review your options & evaluate 5 body enemies. Observe….Look around at where you’ve been, where your heading Plan…. Create a plan meeting the needs of 5 body enemies- be resourceful
Avoiding Survival Situations 1. Have a PMA. Positive Mental Attitude 2. Learn & Practice skills to build confidence *Navigation * fire building *signaling 3. Make & carry your survival Kit (w/ 10 essentials) Educate yourself on the area’s environmental hazards- altitude, bears, floods
5. Carry proper clothing, equipment in good condition. 6. Tell someone at HOME where your going & then stick to the plan.
Avoiding Survival Situations If in a survival situation, execute STOP behavior Observe, observe, observe your surroundings, not only because of beauty, but may help you navigate and detect dangerous situations.
Rule of 3’s In “Extreme conditions” humans can survive… 3 Minutes Without oxygen to breathe 3 Hours W/O shelter from exposure(Hot or cold) 3 Days w/o water 3 Weeks w/o food What will be your priority, if you get stranded???
10 Essentials Extra clothing- Knife- (Do not ever bring to school) Flashlight Map- Compass Fire starter & matches- Water Extra food Sunglasses First aid kit