General Sentence of the day 3
It is evolution, not revolution
evolution, not revolution Evolution means a succession of small natural changes over time. Revolution means a sudden forced change.
Origins of evolution Evolution is inherent in humanity and the history of the world. Charles Darwin first put forward the idea that we evolved from other animals in his 1859 scientific paper, “The Origin of Species by means of Natural selection” (1859). He suggested all animals ‘evolved’ from the same initial organisms over billions of years and all animals are effectively descendants of the same initial organisms. Believe it or not, there are still some people who do not believe that we evolved from other animals! They are called “creationists.”
Use of evolution The term ‘evolution’ is used more generally to explain modern day products/situations moving along at a steadily improving pace. An example is when different models or upgrades of the iPhone are released and termed ‘an evolution’ of the product. The use of ‘evolution’ here suggests that the product/hardware is good and not in need of a major change, but rather that small improvement are constantly being made to improve it. “It is evolving.”
Use of revolution The term ‘revolution’ is used for stronger effect. An example is regarding technological change. The Nintendo Wii was initially called ‘The Nintendo Revolution’ during its development. The ‘revolutionary’ aspect refers to the control system that the Nintendo Wii employed (a change from buttons and joystick control to genuine physical movements in order to control it). When the iPhone was initially released, it was promoted as a revolution in mobile phone technology.
Use of revolution The word revolution suggests strong change and increases interest and suggests that something major has happened. The term ‘evolution’ is used more generally to explain modern day products/situations moving along at a steadily improving pace.
Further reference