Presidential Nominations 13.4
Role of conventions Constitution says Nothing National party makes arrangements and sets the date Apportionment of delegates Inform states how many delegates they can bring Selection of delegates Choosing among party members
Presidential Primaries Most states use primary system Determined by state’s laws Makes name recognition and $ more important Formats winner take all- candidate with most votes wins all support Proportional rep.- Any candidate who wins at least 15%, gets % of share of primary votes
Evaluation Plays major part in deciding Presidential nomination contests in both parties, especially party out of power Weeds out candidates Hard fought contests occur but are not common w/ party in- power if Pres.: Seeking reelection Has given his/her backing to someone they favor
Reform proposal Primaries put lots of demands on candidates: Time, effort, $, scheduling, fatigue
Caucus Caucus party members meet in local caucus to choose delegates to go to national convention National convention Every 4 years, officially choose person to represent party
Who is nominated? Political experience Most electable, available, with the broadest appeal Republicans- Governors Democrats- Senators Other characteristics People from larger states, attractive appearance, family, happily married, well-developed speaking ability