An autonomous profiler monitoring water quality in south Puget Sound NO3, l Oceanic Remote Chemical/optical Analyzer (ORCA) An autonomous profiler monitoring water quality in south Puget Sound ORCA overall; Steven Emerson; Allan Devol Jan Newton; Rick Reynolds PRISM John Dunne; Wendi Ruef General Support Nutrient Analyzer
ORCA GOALS Develop a robust remote chemical and biological monitoring system T, S, Light, Meteorology NO3, O2, Chl-a, turbidity NH4, Gas Exchange parameters Telemeter data back to UW Monitor the spectrum of time-scales Hourly (tides), Daily (solar), Weekly (plankton growth), Monthly (blooms), Annual (seasons, and inter-annual, e.g., El Nino) Describe natural variability and characterize and help evaluate potential human influence Validate PRISM physical and biological models Ground-truth satellite ocean color
WHAT DOES ORCA LOOK LIKE? ORCA Schematic View light weather station radar reflector superstructure 4.2 m solar panel Platform and housing For Winch, electronics, etc solar panel Atlas float (cut away view) package ballast ring anchoring (break in scale)
Photosynthesis (P) : [O2] CO2 + H2O + nutrients CH2O + O2 Respiration and Decay (R) : [O2] CH2O + O2 CO2 + H2O + nutrients Excess nutrients and stratification (eutrophication) can lead to consumption of all the oxygen in a system, so fish can no longer survive there Nutrients Stratification
Effect of nutrient addition on phytoplankton productivity blue = ambient production red = spiked with NH4 and PO4 Carr Inlet, WA Ecology enhancement no enhancement surface enhancement 5 10 15 500 1000 20 25 200 400 600 12 Oct 00 25 Sep 00 10 Jul 00 depth (m) primary productivity (mg C m-3 d-1) July 12 - 28, 2000 enhancement October 15-21, 2000 Sept. 20- Oct. 2, 2000 no enhancement surface enhancement Sigma-t Chl ug/l O2 mg/l
Goals for 2003 Science Goals: MIXED experiment (April 2003) Nutrients; NO3 and NH4 Move Orca for Brightwater Publish Orca Results Prism Goals: Use Orca to Validate ABC-POM Carr Inlet Brighwater site Outreach Maintain Orca Website Orca School
Longer Term Goals Science Study Bloom Dynamics/gas exchange/nutirent/physics coupling Mixed layer Aphotic zone Add Sensors (PO4, Eddy Correlation, micro-gradient) Publish Orca Results Expand Network: South Sound, Main Basin, Hood Canal, Admiralty Inlet Continue and Expand Outreach/Education