Guru Gobind Singh and the Khalsa Lesson objectives: To know that Guru Gobind Singh established the Khalsa and the story of the Khalsa To understand the importance of the Khalsa for Sikhs today and how they become members of the Khalsa To evaluate whether true commitment to Sikhism means joining the Khalsa/wearing the 5Ks. Prep: Learn key words for a test next lesson
The Origins of the Khalsa
Commitment to Sikhism today Sarika Watkins-Singh was told to remove her Kara as it was not part of school uniform. However, after taking the school to the High Court in 2008, it was ruled that she was entitled to wear the bracelet as a sign of religious commitment What are some of the challenges that face Sikh teenagers today? Are Sikhs who are not members of the Khalsa less committed to their faith?