Improv Introduction
Begin walking around the room…
Walk like a penguin!
Walk like a cat!
Walk like a snake!
Walk like a toddler!
Walk like a mosquito!
Walk like a giant!
Back to your seats… “Did you follow your instincts?” “Was it difficult to follow your instincts? Why or Why not?” “What does following your instincts or impulses have to do with improv?”
Who’s Line is it Anyway? “What strengths did you notice?” “Why do you think they were so successful with their improv?” “What made it interesting to watch?” “What did you notice about their bodies, commitment, pantomime skills, creativity?”
Do and Don’t DO: 1. Commitment 100% 2. Listen to the other players 3. Support your team members 4. Forward the Action AVOID: 1. Denial 2. Telling rather than showing 3. Forcing funniness 4. Worry about making mistakes