PHED 1 Skill Acquisition Memory AS PE PHED 1 Skill Acquisition Memory
Memory What are the characteristics and functions of the Short Term memory? What are the characteristics and functions of the Long Term memory? How can we improve our memory?
Memory Once information has been processed it can be stored in the brain so it is available to use the next time a similar sporting context occurs. Memory, stores and codes the results of the perception (Decision Making) There are two types of memory store... Short term Long term Information is moved between the two stores with a two-way relationship Short Long
Short term memory Characteristics Temporary- 30 second time limit (moved to long term or lost) Works quickly (fraction of a second) Limited capacity How is it used? Information is taken in from the display Information is filtered using selective attention (avoid information overload) Relevant information is sent to short term memory Short term memory uses information to initiate movement Information is passed onto long term memory
Long term memory Characteristics Permanent Unlimited capacity “Even if you don’t ride a bike for 20 years you won’t forget how to do it” Used for Information is passed from the short term memory store to long term memory store Information is coded in the long term memory store Information is stored in the form of a motor programme
Memory in the Central Nervous system Short-term sensory store Short-term memory store Long-term sensory store To decision making... Selective attention Encoding Decoding (Retreival) Batsman at cricket Know from experience (LTM) to concentrate on the ball (STM) When the ball leaves the bowlers hand (STM) Predict the flight using experience (LTM) Refer to experience as to expected bounce of ball (LTM)
Memory in Information processing Input Stimulus Response Response Identification Selection Programming Output Short-term Memory Long-term Memory
Improving Memory Various ways to improve memory... Practice Chaining Enables you to help make information in the LTM permanent Coaches will remind players of previous success Chaining Breaking a complex skill down into a series of simpler actions Chunking Putting bits of information together to use less of your capacity Mental Rehearsal Creating a mental picture of the skill to remember actions associated