(Speaking to Persuade) Chapter 15 (Speaking to Persuade)
Preparing a Persuasive Speech Question of Fact concerns statements that are either true or false Question of Belief focuses on what is right or wrong Question of Policy act on a policy or agree that a policy should change ACTIVITY 1 – Identify different questions
Limiting Topic and Writing Thesis A good persuasive topic is one that… You feel strongly about Other people have different views on Ann Welch’s candidacy for senior class president. Writing Your Thesis: State your goal clearly… Ann Welch is qualified to be our senior class president Ann Welsh is the best choice for senior class president You should vote Ann Welch as senior class president ACTIVITY: Brainstorm problems in our school and activity. Choose one and write it as a Fact, Belief, and Policy.
Using Persuasive Techniques To get people to think, believe, or act the way you want them to: Applying Logical Reasoning Argument Reason Evidence
Review of Supporting Evidence Fact Statistic Expert Opinion Example Illustration Anecdote Definitions Descriptions Quotations Comparison
Using Persuasive Techniques Emotional Appeals: Statement that arouses strong feelings Use specifics Use vivid language Refer to the audience directly Establishing Credibility: Cite Sources Sincerity—quality of being genuine Dynamism—quality of being energetic and enthusiastic.
HOMEWORK Teens need to use their seatbelts Use one of the problems we brainstormed to complete Teens need to use their seatbelts Thousands are injured and killed each day 1# killer in USA (Fact) At least 20% of people don’t use their seatbelt (Statistic) 2nd killer of teen drivers “Teens have a much higher chance because they aren’t used to the road; they double their chance of an accident. (Quote)
Adapting to Your Audience Majority of the listeners agree Strengthen existing feelings Favorable Give all sides equal time Need information to persuade Neutral Most difficult to persuade Show it personally affects them Apathetic Majority of listeners oppose you Show that they should listen Hostile
Organizing Your Speech Using a Deductive Approach: Statement of Reasons Method Thesis is stated directly and followed by supporting reasons. Problem-Solution Method Discuss problem, then solution Comparative Advantage Method Presents each reason as a benefit. Using words such as more or better.
Organizing Your Speech Using and Inductive Approach: Criteria-Satisfaction Method Create sound criteria, show how proposal satisfies those criteria. Negative Method Show that no other option is acceptable. Monroe Motivated Sequence Draw attention to problem Show a need for action Satisfy that need Help the audience visualize the benefits Suggest a specific action
ACTIVITY: Divide into groups Create outline on overhead, share 1. Statement of Reason 2. Problem-Solution 3. Comparative Advantage 4. Criteria-Satisfaction 5. Negative 6. Monroe Motivated Create outline on overhead, share
HOMEWORK: Determine Topic for a Problem Solution Speech Must be a problem in our school or community