What is MLA Guidelines for correct grammar, style, formatting and citation. Creates consistency and understanding
MLA Format (how your paper is set-up) Top left of first page: name, teacher, class, date Title centered (no bold, underline, etc.) 12 point Times New Roman font Double spaced Paragraphs indented Top right Last name and Page number
Citing (how to tell where your information came from) Parenthetical citation This is putting the source or authors name and page number (if applicable) after the phrase where you found the information. “Quote,” (xx).
Example The goal of the Defiance Campaign was to create small pockets of civil disobedience that would “snowball from a core of selected volunteers to involve more and more ordinary people, culminating in mass defiance,” (African National Congress).
What needs to be cited? Specific words and phrases Information and ideas that aren’t your own
Cite it! When in doubt…
A great resource The Purdue MLA Owl