Easter is the season to celebrate the Death Resurrection of Jesus. The Three Days lead us to the Easter season. The Easter season lasts for _____________ days. 30 C. 50 40 D. 60 During the Easter season we celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead. Who was bringing spices to Jesus’ tomb to bless his body? Women C. Men Children D. Priests When the women saw the stone rolled away what appeared beside them? God C. Jesus 3 wise men D. 2 angels What did the two angels tell the women? During the Easter season the Church often prays three alleluias in a row, instead of just one. YES NO YES NO YES NO
When the women heard the good news about Jesus’ Resurrection what did they do? What is a joyful Easter message about Jesus you would like to share? YES NO
ANSWERS Resurrection Yes C A D That Jesus has been raised up and to remember what Jesus said - that he would give his life for us. That he would be crucified and that on the third day he would rise again. They went and told all the others the good news about Jesus’ resurrection and the Jesus died and rose for all people.